Roses Roses and many more Roses....... Yep, this post is all about various ways to work a rose. There are many ways to work a rose like Raised cup, Bullion Rose, rose using chain stitch or stem stitch etc. Well in this project i have worked
" Banksia Rose, Rambler Rose, Woven Rose and Rose using stem stitch ".
Rose works |
Rose Work |
Rose Work |
Have a look at below collage,
Woven rose ( spider's web filling) instruction
Woven Rose |
To start with first work a fly stitch, then work two straight stitch or go around fly stitch as shown in picture. Now start weaving over and under these spokes, starting at center. I usually prefer first two weaving bit firm weave and later weave freely. Here i have used two shades of green color, after 5 to 6 warps around spokes, you can change color to give better effect.
Banksia Rose instruction
Banksia Rose |
Banksia rose, work three small loops very close to each other and secure these loops with a small back stitch ( to end ). Now work five small loops around the initial bud (loops), where loops fall on bud and hold petals. Same way work two more round of loops or to achieve your desired size of rose. Here also for each round of loops you can use different shades of same color for better effect.
Rambler Rose instruction
Rambler Rose |
Rambler rose, work three small loops and secure it with a back stitch as in banksia rose. Now work stem stitch around this bud as shown in picture.
Rose using stem stitch
Rose using Stem stitch |
Rose using stem stitch, work a straight (horizontal) stitch, then go upwards as if working a cross stitch. Go under left side of straight stitch without catching fabric, later again go under right side of straight stitch where working thread being under the needle and end at right side corner. Come out at center of upper part of two legs, now start working stem stitch without piercing fabric but just going under each leg ( four corners). Work 3 to 4 rounds.
Rose work |
For center raised effect flower worked with buttonhole stitch , check out its instruction
Buttonhole twist.