In my previous
post we learnt to make Dorset button. Now lets learn to make Mandala flower around Dorset button using macrame knots. To work Mandala flower we need 7 different colored threads , each measuring around 30 cm.
Lark's Head Knot |
Once laying done around Dorset button and before ribbed spider web stitch, we need to add petals to flower using Lark's Head knot. Observing above picture, add petals around button as shown in below pictures.
Adding petals using Lark's head knot |
Lark's head knot |
Lark's head knot |
Gently push the knot towards ring and it should be firm. Same way finish rest of seven petals. Across each spoke you find gap, so at every gap add one one petal, overall you get eight petals.
Eight petals added using Lark's head knot |
After adding all petals base, then work ribbed spider web stitch inside the wheel.
Pin with paper clip |
Before starting with macrame knot, pin 7 petal threads and leaving one petal thread to work.
Simple knot |
Now start adding 6 different colored thread as shown in picture.
Six different colored threads |
After adding all six different colors, gently push all knots towards ring as shown in below picture using your thumb finger.
Gently push towards ring |
Now work "
Double Half Hitch knot ", on orange thread.
Double Half Hitch Knot (left side) |
To work double half hitch knot, keep left orange thread straight and firm, move right orange thread as shown in above and below picture. Once you wrap right thread around left thread, keep left orange thread firm, straight and then pull right orange thread gently towards right side. Knot formed should be firm.
Double Half Hitch knot |
To work on, pick first thread, here its brown thread.
Working Mandala flower |
Double Half Hitch knot (right side) |
Work double half hitch knot using brown thread on orange thread as shown in below picture. In above picture you can see how to work double half hitch knot from right side. While working right side of knot, keeping orange thread straight and firm, pull gently brown thread towards left side.
Note To work left side of threads follow DHH knot (left side ) picture and to work right side of threads follow DHH knot (right side) picture.
Double half hitch knot |
Follow below picture , work DHH knot between two brown threads.
Double half hitch knot |
Once finished working DHH knot using brown thread, then move on to pink thread, which is next first thread after brown thread.
Double Half Hitch knot |
Once DHH knot is worked on orange thread, then work on brown thread and lastly work on, between two pink threads as shown in below pictures.
Double Half Hitch knot |
Double Half Hitch knot |
After pink thread is done, then start with grey thread which is next first thread after pink thread. In the same way work with rest of different colored threads.
After finishing single petal, work in same way for rest of 7 petals around dorset button.
Single petal using macrame knot |
Let me share shades number which i used in below picture project. I used Anchor threads ( six strands) because of its vibrant colors. You can also use wool or variety of cords are available in market. Basically the thickness of thread should be of a wool.
Shade numbers:-
269,923,246,316,1089,410 and 134.
For Dorset button , buttonhole stitch and laying is worked with 269 shade. Ribbed spider web stitch is worked with Blue (134) first and then with orange(316). Shade numbers working order for single petal is 923,246,316,1089,410,134. In this project i have worked alternate pattern, ie for one petal shade numbers order as mentioned above and for next petal its reverse way of mentioned shade numbers order starting with blue (134).
Mandala flower using macrame knots |
Endless application of this pattern, can be used as accessory. In below picture, i have used bargello net, try to end each thread taking it backside. Once done, fill rest of area with light single color, then it can be laminated and used as coffee or glass mat.
Or single petal can be used as key chains.....
Or you can accessorize to a zip end as shown in below picture. Here i made small Chinese knot.
As i mentioned this pattern's application is endless you can also make wind chime by adding small bells to ends. Whats your way of using this pattern !!!!!!!!!!!!