Oct 30, 2013

Gopur kutch part 2 (filling)

                In Gopur kutch part 1 we learnt base stitch. Now lets start with filling stitch of Gopur design.

                      Part 1 of filling stitch, come out just below point 1, follow the below collage and complete part 1 filling stitch. If you observe, in part 1 filling stitch, only the areas of part 1 base stitch gets covered.

Part 1 filling stitch, Gopur design

2. Part 1 of filling stitch, Gopur desing

3.Part 1 of filling stitch, Gopur design

Finished part 1 of filling stitch, Gopur design

                     Click on the image, have a closer look at finished part 1 of filling stitch.

                     Part 2 of filling stitch, only the areas of part 2 base stitch gets covered.

Part 2 of filling stitch, Gopur design

2. Part 2 of filling stitch , Gopur design

Ending of part 2 filling stitch, Gopur design

Finished part 2 filling stitch , Gopur design

                      Finished part 2 filling stitch.

Part 3 of filling stitch, Gopur design

                            Part 3 of filling stitch, come out just above point 28 in instruction chart of gopur design part 2 and just below red dot where you started your part 3 of base stitch. Observe carefully above collage and follow each step, as it is bit confusing.

Ending of part 3 filling stitch , Gopur desing
               End part 3 of filling stitch exactly at staring point as shown in above picture

Finished part 3 filling stitch, Gopur design

                     Part 4 of filling stitch, this part is very important, as you may go wrong easily. Observe each step carefully.

Part 4 filling stitch, Gopur design

                          In part 4 of filling stitch, check your part 2 base stitch instruction chart  and observe, where ever there is red dot mark ( which is the starting point of that particular base stitch) , exactly at the same point ( little below) filling stitch starts (of that respective base stitch). So there are around 8 individual base stitch in part 4 of base stitch, each of their respective filling stitch has to be done. Pay attention while handling these parts of filling stitch. Each step of filling stitch is not shown, but starting and ending point is shown. All the best.

2.Part 4 filling stitch, Gopur design

3.Part 4 filling stitch, Gopur design

4. Part 4 filling stitch, Gopur design

5. Part 4 filling stitch, Gopur design

Finished Gopur design

                       Gopur design application, try and arrange continued gopur design as border, which can be used on table cloth or saree giving rich look, or single motif can be framed.

Gopur kutch work

Gopur kutch work pouch

Kutch work pouches

                      Any doubt regarding Gopur design, feel free to leave a comment, i will get back to you.

Oct 29, 2013

Gopur Kutch ( Part 1)

          Gopur kutch work , lets start with this . In Ratha design,  base stitch was done in two parts. But in Gopur design base stitch has 4 parts and filling stitch also has 4 parts. This design is bit complex, so follow the instruction chart carefully.

Gopur Design

                     Click here for design Gopur design. If you are taking printout in A4 size paper, reduce to 50% or two gopur design in one page. Always keep printout of instruction chart beside you. As usual i have taken 2 strands of thread, crewel needle 7 or 8. Copy the design on fabric.

Part 1 of base stitch, Gopur design

Part 1 Base stitch instruction chart , Gopur design

                          In above picture you can see i have highlighted only part 1 of base stitch on fabric, beginner can follow the same, its helps you a lot and you cannot go wrong. Now follow part 1 instruction chart. Numbering shows correct path to follow and arrow mark in green colour shows intersection of two threads where exactly needle should pass under the thread.

Part 1 base stitch, Gopur design

                          Come out at point and travel to point 2 thread being under the needle.

Part 1 base stitch, Gopur design

                         Attention, attention, observe above picture. Observe point 3 and needle positioning . Here  pierces needle exactly at point 3 and taking 3-4 threads of cloth come out below point 3.

Part 1 base stitch, Gopur design

                            Now pass needle under the thread as shown in above picture. So till point 19 follow the same steps ie points 5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19.   At these points follow above steps. Here if you observe point 2 and 3, both ends of thread are above,   same thing happens with points 4-5,6-7,8-9,10-11,12-13,14-15,16-17,18-19.

Part 1 base stitch, Gopur design

                               Complete base stitch part 1 following above collage.

Finished Part 1 base stitch, Gopur design

                      Click on the above picture for closer view and do check, where threads have gone above and below.

Part 2 to 4 of base stitch, Gopur design

                    Now observe above picture, part 2 of base stitch is highlighted with orange colour.  Now following above chart highlight your fabric design as we did in part 1 of  base stitch, this helps to work part 2 base stitch correctly without any confusion.

                         Come out exactly at point 1 as shown in below picture and in chart ( highlighted with red dot). Follow numbers and arrow marks correctly.

Starting point of part 2 base stitch, Gopur design

                       Following below collage complete part 2 base stitch.

Part 2 base stitch, Gopur design

                     Have a look at finished part 2 base stitch.

Finished part 2 base stitch, Gopur design

                        Now lets start with part 3 of base stitch, observe part 2 instruction chart, areas highlighted with pink colour is part 3, just above point 28 you can see cross highlighted with red colour. Start from that point for part 3 of base stitch. Follow below collage to complete part 3 base stitch.

Part 3 of base stitch, Gopur design

                       "Please note in above collage ignore last two pictures its repeated."

Finished part 3 base stitch, Gopur desing

                       So the last part ie part 4 of base stitch. Observe part 2 instruction chart. Areas highlighted with green, yellow and orange comes in part 4 of base stitch and cross highlighted with red dot in each colour shows starting point of that particular highlighted area. Its almost heart of the design. If you observe highlighted green or orange or yellow, each of them have 5 points marked as a,b,c,d,e.

                        To start with part 4 of base stitch, come out at point "a" highlighted with red dot  just above the number 19 in part 2 instruction chart. At point "a" needle should come out below the base stitch thread with out catching thread. Following below two collage complete part 4 base stitch.

Part 4 of base stitch, Gopur design

2. Part 4 of base stitch, Gopur design

Finished base stitch, Gopur design

                         Backside of fabric looks like this below picture.

Backside of fabric


                         Do checkout for filling stitch tutorial in my next post ie Gopur filling .

Oct 26, 2013

Kutch Ratha Design Part 2 (filling)

              Hello, in part 1 we learnt how to do base stitch of Ratha design. Now lets start with filling stitch of Ratha design. Just follow the below pictures. As usual come out just below point 1. If you observe, while doing base stitch part 1, path follows from left side of design to downwards, but here while doing filling stitch path follows from left side of design to upwards.

Filling stitch 1, Ratha design

Filling stitch 2, Ratha design

Filling stitch 3, Ratha design

Filling stitch 4, Ratha design

Filling stitch 5, Ratha design

Filling stitch 6, Ratha design

Filling stitch 7, Ratha design

                While ending try to end exactly at the starting point of filling stitch.

               Have a look at finished part 1 of filling stitch. Second part of filling stitch covers the left out area in the design.

Finished part 1 of filling stitch , Ratha design

                     High alter, watch carefully, in base stitch part 2 instruction chart, observe point 1, so just below point 1 start part 2 filling stitch as shown in picture ( orange colour thread). Come out at point 1 (little below point 1).

Filling stitch part 2, Ratha design

                       Now pass needle under the base stitch thread ( black colour in the picture).   Don't get confused, why colour change?  In above picture i have used orange and below one purple.  That's because , i was so eager to finish this filling stitch tutorial, i did small mistake, you can see it in next picture, i did not pass needle under base stitch. So while starting your part 2 filling stitch, do pass your needle under the base stitch.

Part 2 filling stitch, Ratha design

Part 2 filling stitch 1, Ratha design

Part 2 filling stitch 2, Ratha design

Part 2 filling stitch 3, Ratha design

Part 2 filling stitch 4, Ratha design

                         In above collage picture, observe pictures 1-5,  so by the time you finish your filling stitch till picture 5, an L shape of filling stitch is complete ie among 4 sides of design two sides of filling is complete giving L shape look. So in the same way try to finish rest of two sides of design. Pictures 6-9 shows finishing of filling stitch.

Finishing of part 2 filling stitch , Ratha design

                    Finish exactly at same point where you started your part 2 filling stitch.

Finished part 2 of filling stitch, Ratha design

Ratha design kutch work

                  Lets see application of  Ratha design, it may be used on sarees as motifs, on a table cloth, single motif can be framed with little bit of mirror work. Well i did a pouch !!!!!

Ratha Kutch Work Pouch

                     Just added single mirror work, this mirror work is done using chemanthi stitch and around it herringbone stitch at one end and open cretan at other end.

Mirror work done using chemanthi stitch, Ratha kutch work

                        Hope you all enjoyed this tutorial.

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